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In years in a sentence

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Sentence count:144+4Posted:2018-09-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: year in year outgolden yearsseven years' waryearsnew year'syears agonew year's evenew year's day
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61 Cohen says companies like PictureTel have improved transmission quality, making video conferencing a better bet than in years past.
62 The school's director said he had not received any real assistance in years.
63 No one had flirted with me in years, and I didn't really know how to respond.
64 It's the first time in years that I've enjoyed the charts.
65 I think that in years to come they are bound to be looked back on as an aberration.
66 The housing needs of the elderly, in particular, must be a prominent policy issue in years to come.
67 Mike Michaels the Mechanical Magician proved to be the best novelty act the show has unearthed in years.
68 Is there reason to believe some-thing will be different this time than in years gone by?
69 So you can expect the geometric pattern lounge carpet to look sharp in years to come.
70 The time scale is measured in years rather than months.
71 Education, on the other hand, is slow to change, discernible change being measurable in years, or even decades.
72 The combination could make him an even more formidable figure in years to come.
73 It was the first time in years I had seen her happy.
74 Quite a number of the people you speak to will be getting on in years and have lost their sharpness of hearing.
75 The relative disparity in years in life expectancy at birth among regions has hardly improved during the past half century.
76 For a longer period than in years gone by they can expect to be on their own together.
77 I must be getting on in years,(Sentence dictionary) when I miss the old outlaws.
78 It's the first time I've heard her laugh in years ... years and years.
79 I do believe that in years gone by they paid the annual rent for Low Birk Hatt by spinning and knitting.
80 And soon the press began to come around as they had not come around a labor leader in years.
81 You may not want to risk breeding from such a mare, especially if she is getting on in years.
82 The country is at peace with its neighbors for the first time in years.
83 In years past, state and federal police have had a particularly acrimonious relationship.
84 One group of villagers are so delighted they're holding a celebration to mark the best harvest in years.
85 To taxonomy, though, their essence lies in years to come.
86 Calls are expensive, networks unreliable, waits to get a line installed measured in years or even decades.
87 At Stratford the Royal Shakespeare Company enjoyed its most fruitful period in years.
88 She had prepared a large stew, or thick soup, her speciality, brought to perfection in years of communal living.
89 Be in no doubt that in years to come, this will become the greatest budget driver's car of them all.
90 The wall-to-wall carpet hasn't been updated in years.
More similar words: year in year outgolden yearsseven years' waryearsnew year'syears agonew year's evenew year's dayover the yearsfrom year to yearhundred years' waryear after yearyear by yearyearyearnA word in your earnew yearyear-endyearlyper yeartwo-yearyear endthis yearmidyearyearn foryear dotyearlongtwo-year-oldtwo year oldyearning
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